Hello from Indiana


New member
Hello everyone!

I am Jesse from Indiana. I have been upland bird hunting for about 15 years. I live with my wife and 2 germans (wirehair and shorthair).

I just found the forum a few minutes ago and know forums can be a wealth of info. I have hunted in SD for about 4 years now and am looking for info on public hunting in Kansas for this year. My wife and I use this time to go on vacation so it won't be just bird hunting. That being said I have some questions for KANSAS....

1. Where are some really cool places to visit? (restaraunts, zoos, museums tourist traps, etc???) We are already planning to go to Arthur Bryants in KC...

2. SD will mail you a "pheasant pack" that includes public and walk in areas along with hunting regs. Does Kansas offer that?

3. Of course I have to ask. Is there any public places I HAVE to hunt? I know most people keep their spots secret but I had to ask!!

THANKS IN ADVANCE!! Sorry for the semi-long post....


PS I will be searching the forum as I am bound to find answers to my questions but there might be some fresh input....
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hey jesse you didnt have to put you had a shorthair and a whirehaire we all know those are the UGLYDOGS of the world HA HA just kidding have a great time on here and chime in often for good conversation
Welcome to UPH, I hope we see you here often. I cannot help with your Kansas trip. I know nothing about the state.........Bob
I dont think kansas sends out a pheasant pack but you can get all the information from the kansas dept of wildlife and parks web site we do have alot of public hunting and there are alot of us who have access to private hunting where the hunny holes are but if you are lucky enough to befriend someone in kansas you may get the chance to hunt their private land
welcome to the site:thumbsup:
Thanks everyone for the welcome! It looks like there is a great group of people here. I will check in quite often for sure!!