Health Warning


Active member
Vodka and ice will ruin your kidneys. Rum and ice will ruin your liver. Whiskey and ice will ruin your heart. Gin and ice will ruin your brain. Coke and ice will ruin your teeth. Apparently ice is lethal!!! Warn all your friends: Lay off the ice!! Copy & paste this immediately. It can save a life!!!!
I sure hope tea and ice is ok----otherwise I'm in trouble
Avoid Ice

Vodka and ice will ruin your kidneys. Rum and ice will ruin your liver. Whiskey and ice will ruin your heart. Gin and ice will ruin your brain. Coke and ice will ruin your teeth. Apparently ice is lethal!!! Warn all your friends: Lay off the ice!! Copy & paste this immediately. It can save a life!!!!

Will avoid ice at all costs! Here's a good way: put your 101 proof Wild Turkey in the freezer along with some shot glasses. When freezer cold, sip neat from the shot glass. Yummmmmm Yum.
Vodka and ice will ruin your kidneys. Rum and ice will ruin your liver. Whiskey and ice will ruin your heart. Gin and ice will ruin your brain. Coke and ice will ruin your teeth. Apparently ice is lethal!!! Warn all your friends: Lay off the ice!! Copy & paste this immediately. It can save a life!!!!

LOL good one Onpoint. I've been thinking it was the ice for a lon time.:rolleyes: