Heading from Olathe to Cimmaron Natl Grasslands


New member
I'm heading from Olathe, KS. to Cimmaron Natl Grasslands. I have 3 others heading with me and we are looking for any info that could help us find some good pockets to hunt on the way out. I'm taking 50Hwy out of Emporia then 61Hwy to Pratt and over 54Hwy to Grasslands. If anyone has info. please let me know. It would be very much appreciated.
clarifying last post

We hunt Walk in mainly. I'm not asking for private land or exact coordinates to hunt.
I'm heading from Olathe, KS. to Cimmaron Natl Grasslands. I have 3 others heading with me and we are looking for any info that could help us find some good pockets to hunt on the way out. I'm taking 50Hwy out of Emporia then 61Hwy to Pratt and over 54Hwy to Grasslands. If anyone has info. please let me know. It would be very much appreciated.

You'll be passing by a lot of good places to hunt on the way out. If it looks good hunt it, if not then drive and check out the next one. I've spent years doing this finding "good pockets".
Here we go again, just like clockwork. Spend a little time with us before you start begging for intel
Ditto what Dogman and Carptom said. If you hunt a bunch of spots that look good you will find some birds. Good luck!
Always wanted to hunt the grasslands. As others have said check places in the way out and if one looks good and you find birds mark it on your map for later reference.

Every year when I get the new atlas I transfer all those spots on to the new one. I have quite a few that I've just driven by but haven't hunted that I have marked with a note saying looks good haven't hunted or something like that.

I won't ever give thes spots out or the general area of them. Spent way to much time, gas, and wear and tear on vehicles to just hand them out. I have 100s of hours into my map of good spots.
I will be hunting that area tomorrow and Wednesday with 1 other guy and 4 dogs. I will let you know how we did.
Just get yer but to the Grasslands. I was there opening weekend and it is Awesome. Have boots for your dogs though as the cactus is thick in most parts.
If you guys that are heading to the Grasslands for Pheasants hit the WIHA as well. If you are headed for quail the blues can be found by most oil workings and the ponds. Areas I would hit first. Point of Rock Ponds, Middle Springs the very north end where the cattle tank is and to the east. Wilberton's crossing also I would go to the North Fork of the Cimarron which is Public and hunt that heavily treed area, this area is NW of Point of Rocks. If you get there early in the am 5:00 or so you can locate tons of quail easier by listening.
Thanks for the info. I'm looking forward to hunting out there with my 14yr old daughter. I'll let you know what I find as well. We are heading out there on Dec. 3.
I had to put my hunt on hold to Cimmaron. Dog was not ready. I'm trying for the next couple weeks. Has there been any moisture lately? I drive a tractor trailer through Liberal every week and have not run into any.