Head Tremors in my 20m old lab, Echo


Active member
My wife woke up this morning with Echo demonstrating obvious head tremors. We were stunned and brought her to the vet immediately. The vet was not able to witness the tremors. They have run a battery of tests and told us to monitor her. He does not know if Echo was having a seizure or some type of idiopathic condition. Echo has not experienced any head trauma. She is extremely active as we prepare for the upcoming season. Has anyone experienced anything like this issue with their dog? I witnessed the tremmors this afternoon. It was unsettling.
Sorry to hear that is happening. I would video it and show the vet(I'm sure you've already thought about that). I would also keep a journal of times and durations. More info you can give the vet the better.

I know how scary things can be when it comes to our dogs. Please keep us posted.

I wish the best for Echo and hope that this is something that passes quickly.
Hope Echo's Ok! I had a Red Heeler 15 years ago that had tremors when she was a year old. We took her to the vet and he put her on a vitamin supplement and said that it was happening because she was missing something in her diet. After about a month the tremors stopped and we never had them again. I had that dog 16 years and she was the best companion I ever had.
I hope she is okay! I am looking forward to hunting with both of you this fall. Best wishes to Echo!
Thank you everyone. I must say we were shocked and upset today. We did video the tremors and will share the footage with our vet. Eddie, any idea what the vitamin supplement was?
Thank you everyone. I must say we were shocked and upset today. We did video the tremors and will share the footage with our vet. Eddie, any idea what the vitamin supplement was?

Sorry I don't. That was when I lived in small town Oklahoma and I the vet just said that he saw this often and that he felt it was a deficiency during development. If I hadn't seen the results for myself then I would not have believed it.
Not recently. We feed her the organic stuff. We are going to throw out all of her toys today. If there has been a poisoning we need to be thorough.
Not recently. We feed her the organic stuff. We are going to throw out all of her toys today. If there has been a poisoning we need to be thorough.

I'd be curious to know what organic dog food you are feeding. Is there a reason you are feeding organic?
Close....but without the tax increases, administrative nightmares and overall collapse of healthcare.