Kansas tried and tried to get pheasants to make it. Had a couple of hatcheries and brooders in I think Caupaldo, and maybe Monmouth? Used all varieties and some personal hybrids, I saw them released, saw them around strip pits in the summer, but they just didn't take hold. At that time, we had quail, and I mean quail! When I was a kid, I take the dog out the door, and had ability to hunt around the 160@ farm and the neighbors, I never had to more than a 1/2 circumference and get my limit, and I could have shot 2 or 3 times that. Read Charles Waterman's book about upland hunting. The area around Girard and west was quail paradise. Eventually the lack of success it was discontinued. It sure was a fun to see Golden Roosters running down the road though!