Has anyone ever shot a pheasant in southeast Kansas

There are no naturally produced pheasants in southeast Kansas. There was extensive efforts to stock them. It was discontinued in the 1960's. Only pheasants harvested were stocked birds from prior efforts. Should have spent the effort on quail habitat, which was world class, but since has virtually been lost in the last 40 years.
Saw 3 roosters close to Atlanta about 20 yrs ago, a hen close to Sedan about 25. .......I'd say Atlanta is about as far SE as you SHOULD find one.
I have never seen a "wild" pheasant in S.E. Kansas, I have seen a few near some game preserves and such. I did see a couple of Black pheasants once a few years ago and heard tale of an effort to introduce them, but those are the only two I ever saw and have since decided that they were somebodies pets that escaped. Should have popped them when I had the chance, there sure were beautiful birds.
I shoot the heck out of them every year between Yates center and Toronto. On the north side of 54. Haven't tried late season but September and October really get the dogs thinkingñ of course this happens at Lone Pine.
There's some in Marion county. Long time ago I thought I was hallucinating when I saw some in Greenwoord county, but a local said they were liberated birds. There is a spot I quail hunt south of Augusta where I used to see a few, but I haven't seen any there in many years.
I hear there are no pheasants in southeast ks and that it is out of the pheasant range is this true?

What is the true pheasant range. One hundred-twenty years ago there was no pheasant range in N. America. Who knows where wild pheasants will exit 50 to 100 years from now. There is no good reason why wild reproducing pheasants should not occupy every county in Kansas.

If wild reproducing pheasants can take root in Osage county Oklahoma and expanding eastward and south along the Arkansas river and wild pheasants are seen all the way down to Kingfisher, it took nearly 40 years for those wild pheasants in expand into those areas. If pheasant can take root in in Lubbock county Texas and along Rio Grande river in New Mexico, they can also expand into S. E. Kansas.

Forty-five years ago (1968) I would visit friend in Wichita, I would ask them about seeing wild pheasants in the wheat fields in the area and they would tell me that they would see just a few. I got reports from the old timers that remember when there were no pheasants in that part of Kansas.

Fat tame 60 or 70 generation in the pen, pen raised pheasants that don't know how to duck, crouch and hide in cover and stand along the road like dodo birds, waiting for the hawks to pick them off, wont take root in S. E. Kansas. If wild-trapped pheasants can't be obtained for release in S. E. Kansas by the thousands, the next best choice would be the wilder strains of pen raised pheasants like the Manchurian Pheasant the White-Winged pheasant or the Sichuan Pheasant.

Kansas is in the geographical center of the country and if we are going to maintain a strong healthy and wild population of pheasants in N. America all of Kansas should have a strong wild population of pheasants.
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There is a spot I quail hunt south of Augusta where I used to see a few, but I haven't seen any there in many years.

I've posted this picture a couple times on here, but my sister took it a few years ago as they were flying onto their farm, 20ish miles south of Augusta.


The previous year we had shot one old old rooster while quail hunting. Last year she said there was a rooster that liked to sun himself sitting on my bro in laws 'gong' that he shoots high-power at across one of their fields. I've seen a few in the road ditches around their place as well. Not enough to go out for a dedicated hunt by any means, but they're around there.

I grew up in Wilson County, dad's been there his whole life, and now I'm just east of Pittsburg. There are none around these parts at all. Zero.
I have actually seen them south of Wellington close to I-35. They are somewhat numerous from Wellington to Alva Ok along the western side of I-35 across Ok 11 HWY. Much of that is wheat fields and sand hills that are muchly unpopulated areas.
like radar said i also see a dead rooster while driving on 1-35 write on the OK/KS border i had not see a pheasant all through IA,MO & KS till i hit the state of OK write across the OK/KS border there was a dead rooster my 1st OK pheasant i ever seen then a few miles down the road i seen 2 in a wheat field that was way more pheasants then i seen in 6-7 days in NC kansas turkey hunting on a normal yr i seen 30-70 pheasants in KS this yr 1 dead rooster 1 live hen very sad to see!!! also only herd 6-8 roosters crowing while out turkey hunting used to hear 20-30 crowing all over the public land we hunt this yr just the 6-8 & they were all in 1 small island of crp left & near cattle feed lots man what a change a yr or 2 can make!!! also the bobwhite quail took a major hit there also even seen less turkeys overall then other years man this drought sucks!!!