I hear there are no pheasants in southeast ks and that it is out of the pheasant range is this true?
What is the true pheasant range. One hundred-twenty years ago there was no pheasant range in N. America. Who knows where wild pheasants will exit 50 to 100 years from now. There is no good reason why wild reproducing pheasants should not occupy every county in Kansas.
If wild reproducing pheasants can take root in Osage county Oklahoma and expanding eastward and south along the Arkansas river and wild pheasants are seen all the way down to Kingfisher, it took nearly 40 years for those wild pheasants in expand into those areas. If pheasant can take root in in Lubbock county Texas and along Rio Grande river in New Mexico, they can also expand into S. E. Kansas.
Forty-five years ago (1968) I would visit friend in Wichita, I would ask them about seeing wild pheasants in the wheat fields in the area and they would tell me that they would see just a few. I got reports from the old timers that remember when there were no pheasants in that part of Kansas.
Fat tame 60 or 70 generation in the pen, pen raised pheasants that don't know how to duck, crouch and hide in cover and stand along the road like dodo birds, waiting for the hawks to pick them off, wont take root in S. E. Kansas. If wild-trapped pheasants can't be obtained for release in S. E. Kansas by the thousands, the next best choice would be the wilder strains of pen raised pheasants like the Manchurian Pheasant the White-Winged pheasant or the Sichuan Pheasant.
Kansas is in the geographical center of the country and if we are going to maintain a strong healthy and wild population of pheasants in N. America all of Kansas should have a strong wild population of pheasants.