Happy New Year


Well-known member
Wishing all you upland bird addicts a safe and propous new year. Continued success1000000439_1703894860144.jpg on your late upland season. I hope to meet more members in person in 2024. I truly enjoy this forum.

Good pics, looks like a pair of low shooters there. Mine yesterday seemed to be low altitude birds. I might need to start the new year right tomorrow. I am hoping a few fellas from here might be willing to meet up at the PF Pheasant Fest in Sioux Fall in 3 months. I am not sure I know a single member here. I will create a thread on that event after the season ends....unless someone beats me to it.
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Remy, yes these came out low, shoot to the right and bottom Pic was his first time pheasant hunting. These roosters were about 100 yards apart and held for good points. Videos coming soon.

I need to attend phez fest, maybe this year.