Gwinner/Forman Area


New member
I have not hunted this area in 2 years and was just curious as to any reports or recommendations? I think we are planning on hunting the weekend of Dec. 10. We have had good success in this area by finding small pockets of concentrated birds, Im hoping that formula will work again. How much snow is on the ground around here?
This year we are planning on staying overnight instead of making the daily drive. Any good places to stay or bad places to avoid staying?
I have not hunted this area in 2 years and was just curious as to any reports or recommendations? I think we are planning on hunting the weekend of Dec. 10. We have had good success in this area by finding small pockets of concentrated birds, Im hoping that formula will work again. How much snow is on the ground around here?
This year we are planning on staying overnight instead of making the daily drive. Any good places to stay or bad places to avoid staying?

Focus on sloughs with picked (even tilled) corn fields surrounding them or real near by. I haven't hunted around those immediate towns but around 15 miles away give or take. You'll find your limit of birds.
With snow on the ground, walk slow!!!! Let the dogs work into the wind. Keep your noise down. Last week, birds flushed out of range due to some barking orders from others in the group...hushed him up in a hurry after watching a couple get up. Hens held tight for sure. The Roosters we got held real tight and were buried under grass and snow...could hear then see them struggle to flush. I think we were more successful slowing down the pace and let the dogs work and catch their scent down wind.
Hunted earlier this year. Very wet. Lots of birds. This time of year cattails will be frozen so I would try them.
good weekend?

Well, my buddy took off from MN and is hunting a day earlier than I could get off from work. He's hunting in the Milnor area with my dog. Talked to him at 11 and he had 2, lost the third in the cattails. So he's just grabbing a bite to eat and resting up for the final bird. Can't wait to get out tomorrow and join him. Pretty tempting to just head out the door now and get there in time for the final hour.

"Impressed" is the word I would use coming out of this past weekend. Hunted Friday/Saturday (afternoon after the blowing snow let up)/Sunday. I got my limit Friday and Sunday. Saturday, missed on two chances and tag teamed our only bird in the short 2 hours of blowing winds. (We used goggles)

Each day, we saw 500+ birds - mostly grouped up out feeding in the snow covered fields (posted land mostly).

Had some dumb misses and only lost 1 bird for the 3 days. Lost in thick cattails.

Birds we got held nice and the lab and german short hair held great points for us.

Hopefully I can get out one more weekend before end of season. Looking forward to some great #'s (knock on wood) for 2011 season here in SE North Dakota.
Dec 12th Limit



Here is the limit from last Sunday hunt around the Milnor area. Overall, a buddy and I hunted Friday (limit) and even ventured out late afternoon on Saturday after the blowing snow stopped (got only 1). Totaled 11 birds of those days.