Gun smith in my area


Well-known member
I am in the NW suburbs of Minneapolis MN. I am looking for a gunsmith to work on the front bead of my O/U it came loose and broke off the last day of this season. I am looking for a recommendation of any reputable gunsmiths to install a new front sight.
Hey Joel,

You might try GS Gunsmith in Maple Grove. I have not used them, however.

I had a similar issue with my Browning A5; the fix, screw a very small screw into the threaded hole and paint it white. It works! If the whole mounted assy. broke off, that's another problem...

Check with Brownell's or Midwest Gun - they may have a replacement sight. Good Luck.
There's a pretty good one about an hour west of the Metro near Winsted. His name is Frank Habisch, I think the business is Habisch Outdoors. Don't have the number handy but you can probably find it under his home phone if nothing else. Winsted or Lester Prairie phone.