Gun shy dog


New member
i have a problem and my pointing lab is scared of gun shots and a little bit of the sight of a gun. i could use some advice on how to break him of this
i have a problem and my pointing lab is scared of gun shots and a little bit of the sight of a gun. i could use some advice on how to break him of this

Is he scared of loud noises (example: fireworks or dropping a pan on the floor etc..) or just the gun shots ??
No need to fear benilliboy:) My oldest brother (blackcloud) was the same way. We cured him by using massive amounts of voltage:eek: I won't do this to your dog though he's probablly not that bad and you care about dog more than we cared about blackcloud. I would put this in the dog training thread there really smart over and would be glad to help you. My dogs much smarter than your dog and not as fat. Dog seen you shout thats why he's scared of guns:D
wow ; sorry to hear, your dog is scared of gun shots. i hope bboy that,you quit shoot this this poor dog, in the behind.:D hell I'D be pissed off if ,I got shot in the rear too. you guys a kidding. lol :10sign:
Alright guys, enough fooling around. The guy askes a serious question and all you can to is make jokes? Take your stupid jokes to another thread. This guy is asking for some help. Glad to see he took his question to the Bird Dog Training forum. Hopefully he will get some good advice over there. Sure didn't get any here!
Alright guys, enough fooling around. The guy askes a serious question and all you can to is make jokes? Take your stupid jokes to another thread. This guy is asking for some help. Glad to see he took his question to the Bird Dog Training forum. Hopefully he will get some good advice over there. Sure didn't get any here!

I'm his uncle so calm down. He knows i'm joking he has a sense of humor:) I did tell him a better spot to put the ? and i'm sure the nice poeple on the forum will help him. I'm out of ideas for him.
I'm his uncle so calm down. He knows i'm joking he has a sense of humor:) I did tell him a better spot to put the ? and i'm sure the nice poeple on the forum will help him. I'm out of ideas for him.

Sorry coot, but how the heck was I or anyone else to know that?
hi bennille boy. this is your older and much wiser uncle. your dog will be fine. you just need to keep your dog away from your little sisters. the barbie dolls and brittney spears music has softened up your dog. throw some coot in the kennel and play some ozzie osborne music. that ought to cure your dog. now coot leave me alone for a few days. i'm very cranky.
Sorry coot, but how the heck was I or anyone else to know that?

No harm Zeb:) Sometimes I forget to put in my remarks that I know the person or that I'm joking. Good to see you care about whats being said on here and that you care that he gets his questions answered. Happy Hunting:)
I used a toy cap gun once. I had a starter pistol but that was too loud. Carry the cap gun around the dog til it gets use to it. Shoot it at a distance so not to frighten the dog. Gradually work in closer. When I'd shoot the gun I'd have my dog to sit. After a while when the dog would sit at the shot of the cap gun ( the dog was at my left side) I'd have a throwing dummy in my back pocket and I'd throw it high without him seeing me throw it. I would walk my dog, throw the dummy, and before the dummy came into his sight I would shoot the cap gun. The dog would sit at the sound of the gun and then the dummy would fall from the sky. The dog did a good job of marking birds. A friend of mine tells me there is a tape or dvd you can play for the dog that helps with gun shyness. Have fun with the dog and it will come around. Happy hunting.
bboy, I thought you guys where kidding. best of luck with this problem. it can be a tuff one to fix.:)