Gun safe in Garage?

Andy L

New member
Hi All,
I have a liberty fat boy Jr, and I am having a very difficult time getting it into my basement. I even rented a stair climber dolly but that stupid battery died at the front door. Even with the dolly I am worried about getting to my basement. My question is, will my guns be damaged if I leave the safe in my garage? It is attached but not heated. I live in Minnesota so temperature change and humidity are a really problem. Thanks for all the advice.

Andy L
Put a golden rod heater in it so it is a little warmer than ambient and you won't have any problems.

Yep, they'll be fine if you do it right as others have said.

My safes have been in the garage nearly three decades. Each safe has TWO goldenrods in it because early on I had one golden rod fail. So, I have a backup in there.

At least twice a year every gun comes out (Some are collectibles that never get shot) and is inspected and treated with a rust preventative like Frog Lube, Hornady One Shot, WD 40 Specialist (see this test:

My shooters get cleaned and lubed and then back in the safe after every complete outing. For example a trip to the Sporting Clays range, clean and lube. A 10 day SD pheasant trip if they get wet during the hunt they get wiped down with a rust preventative. I don't generally clean them after each day of the hunt but wipe down at the end of the trip when casing them for the trip home and complete cleaning when back home.
cant you get a shiny safe and make it part of your family room furniture? Outside the house just sounds not right. I know some guys do it..
I had to have mine in the garage when we were between homes. I had a Golden Rod and it worked perfectly. Matter of fact, the same Golden Rod is still being used 20 plus years later.