gsp/bird dogs medina area

I'm about 35 minutes from Medina outside of cleveland. I have a 3 year old gsp. I"m always looking for guys in my area to hook up with. How old is your dog? Most of the bird dog guys Im friends with are from columbus and south so it would be nice to have someone up here in my neck of the woods. Here in the next couple of weeks we are putting together an outing to southern ohio for grouse if your interested. I'd be down for a pa trip to allegheny for grouse as well if we hurry as the season ends on the 22nd. If your pup is still pretty young and you just want to do some training we have 20 acres to mess around on. There's a lady there that we can get birds from as well. Let me know what your thinking.
local gsps

Hi gunnar also looking for fellow gsp owners to run dogs with and learn training tips. I am from Portage County where there are good training grounds out at Berlin lake.