Growth on lower eyelid


New member
I posted this on a waterfowl forum too but didn't get much of a response other than it's probably a benign eye tumor called melancytosis. It' a sty like growth I noticed about 2-3 weeks ago on my Golden. It doesn't seem to bother him and is not scratching it but there is a small amount of mucous type discharge from that eye in the morning. The Internet write up implies it may very well just go away in time. I know, go the Vet which I will do as he has some vaccinations due-but has anyone else experienced this with their dog. Sounds like it's fairly common in older dogs, mine will be 9 in January-4 other dogs, never had this happen and they were all long lived, thanks for any comments.
both of my Goldens had/have them. Were not cancerous on either. I had one removed, just a small V with a teensy weensy stitch that dissolved pretty quick. Never bothered him.

Is it black?

The discharge may not be related to that at all. What color is the discharge?

Not telling you not to be concerned but my experience has been a non issue
It is dark, either black or dark brown, looks kind of like a mole. The discharge is basically clear colored, he was having that back this summer before I noticed the growth-I figured it was from being in the Lake water so much as I have a hunting shack on a Lake and the shoreline is loon silt amd muck and I throw bumpers to him so he can swim and cool down. How much did your Vet charge?