GPS Coordinates WIHA


New member
I am looking at the WIHA GPS coordinates and cannot get them to load on any of my GPS's cannot load the negative number ie -101.xxxxxxx in the west coordinate. any help i could really use it.
Help loading GPS coordinates

What type of GPS do you have? What is the software interface for loading the file?

For example, I have a Garmin GPS and use Nat Geo Topo software which I import the text file of coordinates 1st. After the waypoints are in Topo, I then move those I'm interested in over to the GPS. This is necessary because the GPS only holds 1000.

As a way to help me keep the waypoints sorted, I first took the raw file and used Excel to quickly re-name the waypoints such as "4-56" to represent WIHA 56 on map number 4. Then I converted the file back to a CSV (comma separated values) file type which can easily be loaded into the Topo program.
I have all of the points in an excel file. I also have a file of all points in a mapsource file for Garmin GPSs. Not sure I remember how to use them, but if you want tem, let me know.