Governor's Pheasant Hunt

it was in the kc star paper last weekend the paper said it was all wild birds lol and the governor got his limit he hunted with tom watson george brett im sure it was a tough hunt lol
Out of curiousity, I called to find out how to join the hunt. Easy: Pay $1500.00, the price for a single hunter. Then there's lodging, trans., meals, etc.
Some may be aware that I am not a big fan of the Governor, even though he might be the best Kansas can do. Way too much politician and way too much BS. Just MHO.

I appreciate your posting and I appreciate all your work getting kids involved in outdoor activities. I should not let my personal feelings about the Governor on certain issues cloud the good he can do on issues near and dear to both of us.
Yea they all probably got their limits on private ground. Who is going to say "no you can't hunt" to George Brett? I would turn down the Gov to hunt my land but not Brett! I'd turn down Watson too.
I'm sure some of the folks hunted private ground, but I know (from talking to several of the hunters) that they also did very well hunting some WIHA property as well.

Again, I'm not coming down on one side or the other, but be sure you have the facts straight.

Mike C.
Gotten a pretty good run of publicity out of the deal, two or three good articles in the KC Star. Watson's a real hunter by the way, I know Brett used to do preserve hunts with Whitey Herzog, don't know if he's serious or not. If it raises money for PF's youth program, predisposes the governor or other officials to look kindly on supporting our conservation and hunting initiatives, it's a win-win no brainer to me!
You guys be careful talking bad about BB, his staff will alert your school and you'll be ordered to write an apology letter...... :)
You guys be careful talking bad about BB, his staff will alert your school and you'll be ordered to write an apology letter...... :)

Keep it up, I need something to talk to my students about in Senior Government classes. The high school girl SME and Gov. BB made for a good class on the 1st amendment today.