
I was talking to the Gove county Brit , a couple of weeks ago as we were not going to be able to hunt the opener like we planned because he thought it was more important to make a fist full of money than to go hunt with me.He told me he had a couple days off from work and thought perhaps we could meet somewhere and just talk some , well I could hear Gove county brit jr. in the back ground talking to his dad, dad jims a dumb city boy I bet he aint never been on a snipe hunt before have him come out and we will have a good laugh on him. GCB keep telling the boy to just hush up that I probably been tricked before but GCB jr, just keep going on so he handed the phone to the boy, and he said to me, Jim you gots ta come on down here as the snipe in the area are thick and the season is opened right now and I would almost guarantee you a limit. Well cause I live in the city don't mean I am a city boy and I've been around the barn before ifin you know what I am saying, anyway I agree to going.
I pull up to their house around 2 pm and we go down to the restaurant to have a late lunch and all GCB jr. can talk about is snipe hunting but I keep cutting him of telling him and his dad about how I heard on the radio and read in the paper that there had been some cougar sightings there in the vacinity we were going to be hunting at. Well they both kept assuring me I had nothing to worry about but I kept insisting that there might be some merit to what I had been hearing. Well I kept bringing it up like you know when someone talks about sumpen enough it kind of stays in the mind,
well that is what I was hoping would happen to these guys, kinda stay in the backs of their mind, making them wonder ifin it might not be so, don't you.
Well the hour got right ta go and hunts me up some snipe, that elusive sneaky bird, GCB jr schooled me in the proper calling technique and the best way to catch them with a sting but I told him I had been studying on it and I had a pillow case and a long pole, a 20 ft telescoping crappie pole pulled in to here it was only about 6 feet long with a string tied to the end of it with a slip knot noose on the end of it. I also had a small pack on my back which I told them I had a snack in it in case I got hungry from catching all of those birds I were gonna catch since they told me the F&G dept took of the limit on them.
Well like I said I knew what they were up to and I knew the story about snipe hunting as I have used it on a few myself in my younger days.
They said they were gonna go build a little fire and wait for me to finish up with the hunt than for me to meet them there at the fire.
Well I started calling for the snipes like GCB jr had taught me and they walked away kind of snickering a little.
Well I sit down after awhile giving them time to get away and to build the fire, from the pack I pull out a can of vienna sausage, some crackers and the newest copy of Playboy to read and a flash light so I keep see to read real well,so to kill some time to let them have some fun knowing in the back of their mind they are thinking about those cougar reports.
Well about time it is getting really dark I head toward where they said they would be at, I smell the smoke and finally see the fire. You can tell they are getting tired as it is getting late and I can see their head bogging up and down as they try to stay awake, well I take out a little cassette player from my little pack and put in this God awful sounding Johnny Steward tape, extend the crappie pole out to its reach of 20 feet, I sneak up to about 20 feet of the tree they both are leaning against, I lay the cassette player down on the ground by my right leg and set the crappie pole tip right beween the two of them.With the pole in one hand and the finger of my other hand on the play button I push the button and this God AWFUL sounds starts squawing and I hit both of them with the pole.
I can not find the words to explain what I saw there before me, the tape was squawing, GCB as well as GCB jr. were squawing, and both of them were up offen there posterior end and almost airborne, well when their feets hits the ground I mean to tell ya they were gone, I mean to say gone. I heard twigs a breaking, limbs popping, hell it sound like two clysdales running through the woods. than I heard a loud noise than one of them say SOB I ran into a tree, well I just bend over and turn up the volume on that cassette player and they, both of them let out a blood curling yell and they are off again.
Well I pick up my stuff and head toward the truck expecting them to catch up with me back at the trucks. Well they aren't there so I wait awhile and finally figure I will just go to their house and jump in the over head camper til they get in. Well I never hear them come in all night until about 5:30 in the morning when they both come dragging in, boys I want to tell you they look like they had fought a pole cat or something. Clothes all tore up, face and hands all scratched up and bleeding, kind of felt bad for them, well at least for a second or two:cheers: And ole GCB has a knot on his forehead like the size of a half dollar and it sticks out about 1/2 an inch. I said boys I heard a terrible noise and figured I didn't want nary one snipe than and I headed to the fire, well I told them I found the fire but no one around so I puts the fire out and goes and waits for them untill I figure they were sipe hunting as well and I did not want to bother them so I come here.
Well GCB says the hell with it I am going to bed, the hell with them cougars.
That morning at the restaurant the farmers there were talking about some kinda small tornado touching down there about their place, fences torn down , barn doors smashed to pieces and an ole jersey cow some how got bred, of that weren't nothing to do with what happened there, that was three farms away from were the twister was thought to go through. One farmer said it had the weirdest howl of a noise he had ever heard.