google earth


New member
any body here ever tried google earth to check out areas to hunt? i have and it works great. i has used it to look at areas to deer hunt. the satilite maps make it easy to find funnel areas to hunt. speeds up scouting by having an idea where to start looking before you get there. also works for praire dog hunting. i have talked to outfitters on phone asked where dog town was from there home address, zoomed in on farm and can actually see the mounds from the sattilite. can also get a layout of the land also. can see how rough the ground will be before i get there and where high ground is from the dog town. can also see where the big towns are also. use it for yote hunting also. i have printed aerial maps and keep them in my truck. when i have new guys hunting with me we go over maps, check wind direction, then figure out where each person should take stand.

Yes, I Google earth for hunting. Great tool if the are you are looking at is , an enhanced area of google earth. There are still areas of Arizona and other western states that are not the enhaced pics.
Yup, Been using google earth for a few years.
For MT and WY hunts.:thumbsup:
I use it quite a bit to look at cover on private land before I ask for permission to hunt. If it looks promising I'll give it a shot. I also use it to find out of the way cover on pressured public land. I have it on my phone and it comes in handy now and then.