Good Luck


New member
Good luck to all going out today and tomorrow.......... headed to walk some ground this evening that I have not step foot on in years!!! Tomorrow hopefully the rain will hold off and we get a good one in.............

Yep, rain or shine I will be in the field tomorrow morning chasing a few quail. I'm sure my ole pointer won't care if it is raining or not.
Thank You Kansas

Spent the past week pheasant hunting in Kansas. Traveled many counties and bagged roosters each day in a variety of cover. I am hopeful for next season but there sure is a huge loss of CRP where I hunted. Enjoyed hunting in many weather conditions this week. Sometimes it was windy, no wind and warm, rainy, cool breeze and just about anything you could imagine. I brought everything to include rain gear. Now it is time to clean the gear and take a little break.

Many thanks to the great farmers and landowners in Kansas!
From what I saw this year , there is excellent potential for next season. Weather depending......