Good eats around Larned?

Speaking of good eats, anything around Larned, so 75 miles or so?

Also, any camp grounds RV parks, Hotels are getting sticking about dogs.
To the north there is "The Hill" on 96 in Timken. I think it's only open on Friday and Saturday. In Rush Center there are a couple good places, Greg's and Effie's burgers. Greg's has the most regular hours, better check ahead on the others.

Speaking of good eats, anything around Larned, so 75 miles or so?

Also, any camp grounds RV parks, Hotels are getting sticking about dogs.

No good food in Larned, no pheasants there either:rolleyes:. Bad place to camp or stay b/c of the mental facility outside of town.....never know when a crazy fellow might stumble upon your campsite wanting a ride back to civilization:eek: Larned's just a scary place w/ no fruits to offer. I'd find a different part of the state to hunt;):D

They have a pretty decent (NOT fancy) resturaunt on the E side of the 4-way stop in town. Lewis bar has some exceptional hamburgers and the mexican food is good.
Thanks, have to try Lewis bar for the burgers. Effies is good on the way back. Always have a steak on steak night at the Legion. Seems I always find a good burger joint in the small towns around, then they are gone. Yep, the mexican food is pretty good, kind of surprised me about that.

The bird numbers may suck, but it has been my stomping ground for over a decade. :D
The only place I typically eat in Larned is the Mexican place on the NW side. It has not been a disappoint over the past 3 years.

Do not waste your time at the cafe across the street from the Country Inn. Breakfast was a disappointment and their burgers were even more so. I would rather have a bowl of soup and PB&J than eat a meal there again. Even the coffee was mediocre.
The only place I typically eat in Larned is the Mexican place on the NW side. It has not been a disappoint over the past 3 years.

Do not waste your time at the cafe across the street from the Country Inn. Breakfast was a disappointment and their burgers were even more so. I would rather have a bowl of soup and PB&J than eat a meal there again. Even the coffee was mediocre.

My step-mom works at this place. It has had its ups and downs b/c it has changed hands on multiple occasions. Hopefully it is better now than it was before. Somebody else bought it after the last hunting season ended.
Kansasbrittnay, it is not Rossters anymore? They always has a good breakfast I thought, and so did Do Don's when they where there, but I would stay away after breakfast.
hunting cabins

Speaking of Larned, a couple friends and I are going to try and find a few birds out that way in the middle of Dec. We want to cook our own meals to keep the price down. Does anyone know of hunting cabins, houses or cottages in the Larned KS area that 3 or 4 hunters could rent for a week? We don't want to do the hotel thing unless we have to.
Thanks, we don't get to hunt away from our home state (where there are no birds) but once every 3 years or more. So this is a big deal for us.:)
The lodging options in Larned are limited and I do not know of anything that fits your description exactly. I always stay at the Country Inn there in town. There two other motels but the Country Inn is the least expensive and is adequate. It is old but the rooms are clean enough and the owner (Vicky) is outstanding.

I have hunted the Larned/Garfield area for many years and find the birds in that area get pretty thin that late in the season on the WIHA. If you have access to private land your chances are better. There is a guide there in town named Jay Giessel who can put you on birds though if you want to go that route.

You would have better luck a little further north and west in my opinion.