Good Day

I finished combining my corn at home today. Not that exciting I know but this means I can start on my wetland area:10sign: As I watched the combine finish the last rows to my surprise a big furry beast jumped out:eek: No it wasn't bigfoot but a big fat coon (raccoon thats is) I had no gun:( Didn't think I could kill it with my bare hands so I had to let it go:mad: But thats when I seen the tractor and grain cart just setting there and the light bulb went on. Full speed ahead fat coon was running for all he was worth but it wasn't enough. As I approached fat coon turned for one last look at what was going to kill him:eek:. Not only did I get him with the tractor tires but with the full grain cart to. That was one flat coon:D And I think I might of saved a chicken or two. Save a Chicken kill a furry beast.
It is always fun to run critters down with the tractor or grain truck. Breaks up the boredom of the day.
Good job Coot, one less toothy vermin
Well at least running over a coon is a heck of a lot better than running over a skunk. I swear he smell never goes away.........Bob
Save a Chicken kill a furry beast.

I'm thinking about getting a t-shirt or sweatshirt made with dead coons and coyotes with this slogan on it. :D