Glen Elder area walk in pressure ?


New member
I've hunted the Glen Elder Cawker City public areas for several years and always come out the week or two after the opener. Just too many crazy's running around for the opener for my taste. I'm curious how much pressure the Glen Elder Walk in area gets compared to the other large acreage tracts of WIHA in the Central part of the state?

Guy's like me that come in from out of state for a couple of weeks each year have a tough time gauging how much traffic there is post opener.
Of course there's always numerous groups we see out in the fields but given the large size and remoteness of some of the acreage I have always hoped that a lot of the birds don't get overly pressured,
Am I being overly optimistic?


P.S. did the groups out for the opener see the increased quail numbers that were forecasted?
I was very disapointed with the bird numbers at Glen elder. Not near the amount of birds we expected or what we've seen in the past (also we saw no quail).
I saw 6 20-30 bird coveys quail looked to be very healthy. I was not near Glen Elder though. I wasn't very impressed with the pheasant population though.
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I have hunted glen elder for years and years. I have never seen a quail there. Go any direction from Glen elder and you will probly find them. Kansasbrit and smizzel, Thats great news to hear. I've been hearing from people that pheasant populations are not so strong but the quail populations are in region three.