Give me the crop report PLEASE

OK guys time to help me out, and who on here don't want to do that:D I would like crop reports from all over so I have a better idea on how bad the drought is. This will help me sale my grain for the BIG BUCKS:thumbsup: I would share the BIG BUCKS but with all the responses I'll be getting it would only amount to a penny:( But you do get a THANK YOU for the responses:) Oh and maybe let me know if the rains amount to anything if it ever rains again.
Coot, up here and all the way to Fargo [was just there Tues] every piece of land that can be cropped is cropped. Corn:eek: even in some backyards and lawns:confused: Kinda dry out toward Fargo, but that heavy soil out there doesn't take much rain, crops are good.
We have maybe the best crops ever. Some fields hailed out but all in all some very nice stuff. Corn is head high and shooting tassels, next week will be pollinating. Rains are hitting us this year. :)
Wish I could share some.:cheers:
The corn already began to tassle around here where I live. Most is 4' tall. The only corn that is taller is what's been irrigated. The beans don't look good either.