Gettin' ready for food plots!!


New member
Well I went out yesterday and bought some seed to use to make up my mix for my food plots for this season. I decided to buy a little bit of this and that and sorta make up my own custom mix. This will be planted in regular food plots and also broadcast into some idle areas along fence rows and out of reach areas so to speak. Here's what I came up with:

5 lbs. ladino
5 lbs. 85 percent Red and 15 percent Alsike
2 bu. bag of Haymaster Oats
5 lbs. Little Giant Peas
5 lbs. German Millet
10 lbs. Milo
10 lbs. Korean/Kobe Lespedeza
5 lbs. Buckwheat

I'll set down and figure out how much of each I want to use to make up my mix. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm also going to plant about an acre of RR corn as well in a stand-alone plot. Might even add some RR beans to mix in as well.
Going to make some fine bird food.:thumbsup: