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Here's a photo from Ohio's pheasant opener. GG and Pointdexter are taking it easy after a hard afternoon hunt. Ohio has a 2 bird limit. These are wild birds shot on public land. I hunted with my niece's husband and he killed a pair himself. I get a kick out of people posting and whining about not finding any birds in traditional high population pheasant states. Ohio has the worst pheasant numbers of all states. 12 million people and pitifull amounts of public land. South Dakota has more public land in one county than we have in the entire state.
What does it take for pheasant success?
Experienced dogs
Improved cylinder w/ Federals pheasant loads-5 shot
Understand pheasant habits (cover/daily routine)
Let the BSers to the talkin and you do the walking

Keep it real- Happy safe hunting
That is an excellent post Steele. I have a total of 7 people in the group that I'm taking out this weekend. They'll be disappointed if we harvest any fewer than 28 birds. Anyone that complains will not be invited back. I will share your story with them and hopefully they'll appreciate even getting 1 apiece.

Thanks for sharing!
Heck at this stage I'd settle for one bird to shoot at. Our season opened Oct 24. I hunt 2 days, take a day off, 2 days, a day off and so on. I have not seen a bird I can shoot yet. I have seen 2 birds both way out of gun range. The few that were shootable all flushed closer to my son and he had them down pronto. No Chance for this old and slow guy......Bob
Did you ever hunt the Willow Lakes area betweeen Ephrata and Soap Lake? There were always a few pheasants in there. are you finding any chukar? I hope your season picks up.

I got skunked yesterday. 220 miles and not even a hen.
Steele, call me Bob. That is what I am a afraid of. Getting skunked. I don't know the areas down there and it is about 100 miles one way for me just to get there. So I keep hunting and hoping in my areas around here that is still about 100 miles or so round trip......Bob
I remember jumping quail,pheasants, huns and chukar around that area. Willow Lakes was public as well as some places around Coulee City. That was early to mid 80's so maybe things have changed.