Gearing up a Newbie


New member
I've always been more of a fisherman than a hunter, but I've been invited to hunt pheasnts for a week in South Dakota in Nov and I need to gear up and am looking for some recommendations.

I'm starting from scratch so know at the least I'll need to buy:

* a shotgun
* shells
* a versitile coat
* hunting pants or chaps to wear over jeans
* something to carry birds and shells in.
* Good boots

Obviously keeping cost down would be a good thing.

I'm from Texas and never been to SD before so I am wondering about preparing for the weather and terrain.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.



I will give you my 2 cents. Last year I bought the Cabelas Upland Guide coat. They are $149.99 in the catalogue (pg 95 of Fall Master Catalogue). A great coat so far. It is too heavy for warm weather but in Alberta it is good. Probably good in a lot of places but it seems it has been warmer the last few years than colder.

I wear jeans or carhartt jeans with chaps I bought from the Pheasants Forever catalogue (Browning). They are pretty good but won't last forever. They are a good price though at around $45 and I like the way they attatch on your belt loop.

Today I bought a Filson Pro strap vest. It looks great and I can hardly wait to try it out. It is a basic bird bag with double pockets on the front and holders for e-collar remotes. They make a few more plain models too.

I like to layer the strap vest over the jacket if it is not to warm out. It gives you lots of room for birds and other supplies. Occasionally we leave the truck and aren't back for 6-7 hrs when hunting large tracts with coulees on them. I have to pack water for me and the dog, lunch etc so it eliminates a back pack if you use the jacket's pouch for birds and the vests pouch for supplies or vice versa.

On a warm day the strap vest is all you need.

If you are not going to hunt a lot I would recommend a vest (Filson) of some sort worn on top of some other jacket. Perhaps a jean jacket or something that will stand up to thorns etc. You could probably get by with heavy jeans but the chaps will ensure a comfortable lower body.

If you hunt in the rain then that Cabelas Upland coat with gortex is nice.

Hope this helps. What do other members think?

I've always been more of a fisherman than a hunter, but I've been invited to hunt pheasnts for a week in South Dakota in Nov and I need to gear up and am looking for some recommendations.

I'm starting from scratch so know at the least I'll need to buy:

* a shotgun
* shells
* a versitile coat
* hunting pants or chaps to wear over jeans
* something to carry birds and shells in.
* Good boots

Obviously keeping cost down would be a good thing.

I'm from Texas and never been to SD before so I am wondering about preparing for the weather and terrain.

Any advise is greatly appreciated.



Shotgun: Remington Express 870 or Benelli Nova. Good price versatile and works great. ($250-400)
Shells: 4 shot. Can go cheap: 6.99/box some places, PMC or Estate. Hi-velocity will be more expensive, but more effective.
Coat: I am not a coat guy. I am a layers guy. I like wearing a shirt that is water wickking and fits tightly and throw on layers from there. Then I throw on a GoreTex coat that I use for spring fishing, then throw on a blaze orange shirt over that, then a upland vest (browning, cabelas, filson, whatever else). The orange shirt can be just a cheapo or you can get a orange vest cheapo ($30). I got a cheapo from Cabeals that I use. I just don't like being too hot, or too cold. Problem with SD is, you go from hunting in 80 degree weather to 30 degrees and snowing in the course of 3 days. Check out our 2006 pheasant hunt.
Pants/Chaps: I wear blue jeans or Carhart Jeans with Cabelas chaps that I got for $30 on sale.
Bird Carrier/Shells: Vest cheapo (look above)
Boots: Tough Call. I use Irish Setters that I just got ($130). A lot of local SD guys use military issued boots or whatever else you got if you aren't worried about getting your boots soaked by stepping in water. I prefer the Irish Setters with the Rubber Renforced Toe. Having crappy boots can ruin your day if your toes are freezing and cold. Warm boots mean a good hunt. 400-800 gram.

All depends on what you want and your style. My buddy from MN is a chaps guy, shoots a Benelli pump, layers for upper body, uses a game holder on the belt, Irish Setter boots and holds his shells on hip holster.

Thanks Webguy and Scoob

This is great stuff and I will definitely use it when I go shopping. I think I'll go by Sportsman Warehouse tonight to get boots so that I can start getting them broke in.
This is great stuff and I will definitely use it when I go shopping. I think I'll go by Sportsman Warehouse tonight to get boots so that I can start getting them broke in.

Great prices at Sportsman's Warehouse. I buy a lot of stuff there
Essential Gear Needed

WEB-GUY is refering to me at the end of his reply. I have hunted in MN for 16 yrs in extereme conditions. Not saying that you will be in extreme conditions however the #1 thing I recommend is a good pair of boots. I have Irish Setters w/ 400 gram insulation (Gore Tex) and reinforced toe. I used to have crappy boots and it is just not worth it. You can get a pair for about $100. Mine are 4 yrs old and work just like new. I prefer chaps because you can have the comfprt of wearing your own jeans yet they will be water proof and not chaff your leg hair. Tanned Filson brand are really good and run $60. All you need is some article of blaze orange above the waist. A $5 hat or stocking cap work well. There are also some nice shooting shirts are $20-30. The good thing is you can make use of all the undershirts sitting around the house. I prefer layers of clothing because you can be as warm or cold as desired. Big bulky jackets can restrict your shooting abitlity and speed. A 12 gauge Reminton 870 Express pump is a good gun. There is a reason it is the #1 selling shotgun in the country. Price and quality are good and about $250-300 It can be beaten up, work just fineand you don't have to feel bad. I use a game carrier nuse on my belt (cinch the heads) I prefer it so it doesn't restrict my upper body swing.