I've always been more of a fisherman than a hunter, but I've been invited to hunt pheasnts for a week in South Dakota in Nov and I need to gear up and am looking for some recommendations.
I'm starting from scratch so know at the least I'll need to buy:
* a shotgun
* shells
* a versitile coat
* hunting pants or chaps to wear over jeans
* something to carry birds and shells in.
* Good boots
Obviously keeping cost down would be a good thing.
I'm from Texas and never been to SD before so I am wondering about preparing for the weather and terrain.
Any advise is greatly appreciated.
Shotgun: Remington Express 870 or Benelli Nova. Good price versatile and works great. ($250-400)
Shells: 4 shot. Can go cheap: 6.99/box some places, PMC or Estate. Hi-velocity will be more expensive, but more effective.
Coat: I am not a coat guy. I am a layers guy. I like wearing a shirt that is water wickking and fits tightly and throw on layers from there. Then I throw on a GoreTex coat that I use for spring fishing, then throw on a blaze orange shirt over that, then a upland vest (browning, cabelas, filson, whatever else). The orange shirt can be just a cheapo or you can get a orange vest cheapo ($30). I got a cheapo from Cabeals that I use. I just don't like being too hot, or too cold. Problem with SD is, you go from hunting in 80 degree weather to 30 degrees and snowing in the course of 3 days. Check out our 2006 pheasant hunt.
Pants/Chaps: I wear blue jeans or Carhart Jeans with Cabelas chaps that I got for $30 on sale.
Bird Carrier/Shells: Vest cheapo (look above)
Boots: Tough Call. I use Irish Setters that I just got ($130). A lot of local SD guys use military issued boots or whatever else you got if you aren't worried about getting your boots soaked by stepping in water. I prefer the Irish Setters with the Rubber Renforced Toe. Having crappy boots can ruin your day if your toes are freezing and cold. Warm boots mean a good hunt. 400-800 gram.
All depends on what you want and your style. My buddy from MN is a chaps guy, shoots a Benelli pump, layers for upper body, uses a game holder on the belt, Irish Setter boots and holds his shells on hip holster.