update. i bought the new wiring harnesses that i had busted. next, tried to do the new update. the transmitter wouldn't register. found out you are not supposed to use the charging splitter cable for downloads. got both transmitter and tt mini to update on garmin express. took the collar and dog out to run. i gave it every chance to work. near, far, moving, stopped, laid the collar in yard and walked around it, waited well over the 2-1/2 second update speed. the arrow was always 15-20 degrees off, short distances 10-100 feet off by at least 20 feet. talked to garmin, mailed it across town, they quickly sent me a refurbished unit. same test, arrow never seems to catch up to the dog, even when stopped, with point icon and buzzer, distances suspect. did the yard test again. again, constantly 10 degrees off as i move around the collar ,stop and wait, and usually 20 feet off. if i wait about 30 seconds the arrow and distance catch up to what i think is acceptable accuracy, but still 5 degrees off. i tried holding the transmitter in several positions. i wasted too much time with it last season, and lost track of my setter in tall switchgrass trying to follow the arrow and distance, instead of just watching. is it me, am i expecting too much, or am i just not tech savvy enough for garmins simplest? the good news, he responds instantly to the tone button.