Gar an teed


New member
A few things that are guaranteed when hunting. When you go pheasant hunting you will see plenty of deer and when you go deer hunting you will see plenty of pheasants. When you start to pick up your decoys some ducks will fly by. I was deer hunting today could have been a quick limit of roosters.
Yup, and when I was bird hunting the other day, I could have killed my buck. Well............I could have shot at my buck!
Yes, it is something we all have to deal with. If I had the bucks on the wall that I have jumped while pheasant hunting they would have me on one of those cable shows!:p

There are those rare occasions though where a student, friend or just dumb luck put me on the chosen species at the right time. I recall the 170 buck, the 1,000 flush of mallards, and the 27 roosters in 39 minutes.

It is these occasions that make those "armchair memories" so sweet!:)

I have never seen so many quail as I did this past weekend. Sad part is I had my pup with but the boys and my girlfriend were deer hunting the section and I couldn't hunt there. Next weekend me and the pup may have to see what we can find when they are done.