Funniest 2016 Hunting Story


New member
We had six guys out in the field yesterday. Averaging around .5 birds per guy. Greg and Cory who were in our hunting group ran across a guy and a girl in a parked car. Needless to say he was having a good hunt. As Greg and Cory walked by they never missed a beat. I guess he had a good Rooster Rush. We asked Greg and Cory if they were hunters. They actually had upland orange gear laying in the seats. What a show..Never know what you might see on a hunting trip in South Dakota. I guess they got tired of looking for birds that did not exist this year. South Dakota Road counts are crooked as...Well i will not go there. At least that couple had a successful hunt. If you are planning on a trip out to South Dakota this year I would cancel or heaven forbid bring your wife for a ditch party.
Funny story, but nothing surprises me anymore. Out of curiosity, what part of the state were you hunting in where the numbers were so low? We are driving up at the end of next week and will be hunting the first week of November.
With a twelve inch cob?
Would that then be creamed corn? Sorry, heading down a dark path here.
We had six guys out in the field yesterday. Averaging around .5 birds per guy. Greg and Cory who were in our hunting group ran across a guy and a girl in a parked car. Needless to say he was having a good hunt. As Greg and Cory walked by they never missed a beat. I guess he had a good Rooster Rush. We asked Greg and Cory if they were hunters. They actually had upland orange gear laying in the seats. What a show..Never know what you might see on a hunting trip in South Dakota. I guess they got tired of looking for birds that did not exist this year. South Dakota Road counts are crooked as...Well i will not go there. At least that couple had a successful hunt. If you are planning on a trip out to South Dakota this year I would cancel or heaven forbid bring your wife for a ditch party.

How many birds per guy is enough to make it worth coming out?