Love the last picture of the dogs eyes saying.............."It moved, really I saw it move again................."
Nice your signifacant other enjoys getting out with you and the dogs.
My wife is the one who got me started in all of this.
We had gotten Dakota as companion, then discovered that he was into birds. She said "Looks like you've got yourself a bird dog!" At that point I said "So, now what???" :laugh:
We really enjoy the dogs, and I am glad that this is something that we can do together. Blitz is her pup, and she has really been working with him. Very proud of them both. She isn't much into hunting herself, needs to work on shooting, but she is always ready to go train or tag along when we go hunting.
We get our birds from Steve Secor at Field Trial Game Birds, Steve is just north of Cobb, and now has a website.
Steve is a good guy, and I have done business with him for a few years. He has ducks, chukar and pheasant. This time we released birds on the south end of Cobb between the two parking areas. I like the north east corner a bit better, but it was a busy day out there on Sunday.
We have bought quail from Ron Oakleaf at ??? Cobb Lake Game Birds. Ron has a smaller operation and usually only carries quail outside of hunting season the last time that I checked. Ron is on the east side of Cobb, his place has the bird dog on the mail box.
Blitz is a crazy boy ... he has that crazy look most of the time. LOL. He is turning into a fine young dog, but he is a handful! :laugh: