As to the last part of your post I am 100% sure p.o.p. (politics opinions perspective) influence season lengths and bag limits.
As to the retired biologist - As I have posted before- the whole environment has changed and almost none of it has been beneficial for pheasants. I thought it was interesting the biologist ascertained that shelterbelts were the key to winter survival. Shelterbelts and stands of trees found around farmstead have been being ripped out for years. His idea of many rows surely included fruit or berry producing tres / shrubs. Fruit berries nuts always attract insects so there are 2 food sources.
Fewer cattle , hogs ,sheep ,chicken around the decreasing # of farms/ranches. Cattle scratching around in stubble fields do a lot for wildlife
Farming fencerow to fencerow has even gotten worse as there is often no fencerow.
Farming right to the edge of sloughs mean the sloughs drift in worse. We seem to get wetter(more rain) falls so those sloughs have nothing but ice for a base. Tiling has added to some and eliminated other cover spots.
Pesticides,herbicides, and on and on.