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Had a great trip and hit the weather perfect. Got 2-3 inches of snow, 2 foot drifts with ditches full of snow and cold,cold,cold!!!! 5 of us limited up by 3 P.M. Friday and 4 of us shot 13 on Saturday with a few lost runners that I am sure are in Texas by now!!!! Did not see a bird until noon on Saturday and then we pushed at least 500 the rest of the day. A few flushes of 85-100 birds with no shots fired!!! Kicked 3 coveys of Quail and only got 3!! 1 flock of chickens about 45 birds, no shots and then the season ended the 31st. Flushed about 45 birds at one spot and we dropped a few roosters and saw a owl fly away with a hen and the dog on it's tail. Owl finally landed and then flew away and was thankful the dog did not bring back the hen!!!!!!
Great trip to S.W. Kansas!!!:cheers:
Great trip to S.W. Kansas!!!:cheers: