Friday anyone?


New member
Hello, I am new to the forum and am not sure how this all works, but I do know you don't get anything without asking. I am going out Friday with my dog, to get her some late season work and to hopefully shoot my first Colorado pheasant, I have been out 3 times and have seen alot of very wild birds, but nothing to bring home. I have been going to the walk in access around Holyoke but would be open to a change if you have a better idea or some private you might be willing to share, just looking for a day trip heading out from the Frederick area and back the same day. Leave me messages here with any ideas.
Glad to see you finally made it on here. I told you there was a lot of good info and guys just like you and me. Sorry I won't be able to make it Friday the dreaded work monster has appeared. I absolutely enjoyed our last hunt together and your dog was awesome too bad the rooties were wild as all get out. Hopefully someone will take you up on hunting Friday wish I was there. Walk hard & shoot straight. :cheers:

I am considering hunting WIA tomorrow near Joes, I have a 18 month old GSP that works really well but not much of a retriever. He also is a bit playful around other dogs so I am not sure that will work either?
Late season

After flushing tons of hens, I found a dumb one, this was my day friday, good luck to everyone this weekend.
Happy 4 ya laborshka - way to hang in there & persevere - there will be many more as it all keeps coming together from here on out, now that you have broken the ice dam!!! :thumbsup: :cheers: