
After this past year, I have decided to free style agian. I have hunted my area for the last ten years and the pressure has been up alot in the last several. All my good feilds are being pounded and bird numbers are not holding up. The last several days of the last hunt, I decided to go off and hunt new grounds. very exiciting as you never know what you are going to run into. I think I will just pack lightly, stay in a new hotel in new town every night and just make a big loop, hunting new stuff every day. Get away from the crowds and just see the country side. So everyone make sure they post reports, as I will for sure base my loop around these reports;)!
Only way to go. It turns into an adventure that way. I have had that frame of mind for a long time. But not in Hotels, close enough to still go homeLOL.:thumbsup: Nice asking and getting to meet new folks and getting on new ground. Makes it stay exciting.
I did that for 7 days straight last year, I really enjoyed it, but I had my hotel reservations in advance, so I put a time limit on how much I could really frestyle, this year I am just going to do like you, if I have to sleep in the truck a couple of times so be it.

November seems so far away,

Yep, slept in the back seat of the chevy a couple of times myself. To bad it is about 6" to short. Maybe I will finally put a sheel on back so that I can strecth out.
I need to do that. I hunt the same stuff every weekend. It would be fun to hop in the truck with dogs and just head out.
I also hunt the same stuff every time I go to Kansas, this last year was the first time I did some of the WIHA in Kansas, and as I stated before if I had not made resevations in Dodge City and really got to hunt the areas I stopped and hunted on the way out there, it would of taken me 4 days to get to Dodge City, instead of the 1 1/2 hour drive. I found some really neat WIHA on the way there and in hind site I wish hunted them harder and longer, all had birds and was really fun chasing birds in a unfamiliar place, I can promise you this year will be different.:).

Even if there were 100,000 birds on the same property every time I went - the same-old/same-old gets BORING as heck to me - freestyling is where it's at baby!!! The adventure & exploring is half the experience for me, even with less success - I'm one of those that always has to see what's over the next hill or around the bend. Favorite Line from a Bob Dylan Song: "Can't stop now, I ain't ready to unload - riches & salvation could be waitin around the next bend in the road"... :cheers: