Forever Pointing Pheasants

With a heavy heart and tear filled eyes my family and I said good bye to our beloved shorthair Orley last night. From what we thought was her mopping around because of the new puppy we brought home on Friday turned out to be a tumor on her spleen that burst late yesterday filling her belly with blood and ultimately taking her from us. We will all miss her and are helping each other with this unexpected shock. I know that she is out in a wheat field looking for pheasant, she loved to hunt and was passionate about it. She never stopped and gave her all every minute of the day no matter the weather or how poorly i was shooting. I will miss her sitting in the truck seat beside me on the drive out and back from a hard day hunting. At home we could not have asked for a better companion, always greeting us with a wagging tail and excited look in her eyes.

I will miss you Orley and have a huge hole in my heart without you.
I'm so sorry I had a similar situation in may but was lucky just had a friend in same boat as u I feel your pain we only get a few good companion friend hunting/family dogs in our life the years go by to fast...

Again sorry for your family & your loss...
Sorry for your loss! It is hard to put a member of your family down. I had to put my nine year old wirehair down in July. Our dogs lives are way to short.
You have my sincere condolences. Hunt on, Orley . . .
Sorry for your loss. It's terrible to lose a companion like that. I had Chessies my entire life and when we had to put down our last female, it was so tough on everyone that I said I'd never go through that again. That was 2 years ago and I still can't bring myself to get another pup.
So sorry for your loss. Orly is up there hunting with my Drake, Morgan, Taylor, Cody, and Morgan. Their time is always so short with us.