Forbs & Legumes

M. R. Byrd

Well-known member
In my limited travels around the Dodge City area I have seen more growth in the forbs and legumes in the CRP fields than I ever have.

Let me give you a look.

You can see the CRP field across the way is pretty much solid yellow clover.


Here is a closer look at some of the forbs and legumes in my CRP.





From what I understand Maynard, Legumes are excellent for chick rearing!!!!! Looking good!!!!!:10sign:
Some more-


Seeing a few hatches of pheasant and quail. Haven't ran on to any lesser prairie chicken hatches yet.

The deer are doing well.


And the turkey-


And some very nice sunsets-


Anyway, I am hoping for a good year in the fields.

God Bless,
From what I understand Maynard, Legumes are excellent for chick rearing!!!!! Looking good!!!!!:10sign:

Bugs, bugs and more bugs is what you get in forbs, legumes and annual broadleaf weeds. Food for the chicks, plus an open understory for ground travel and a closed overstory for protection. These are things you will not get in a stand of pure CRP grass. I am hoping for a really good hatch this year. Really not seeing many hatches, but then the cover is such that they could be there and I would never see them.
That really is great looking cover Sir. Congrats!

I guess this means I can expect some pretty wooly fence rows this season in SW KS........which is a very good thing:thumbsup:
didn't the DC area get some huge rains in June? good for growth of cover, but maybe detrimental to brood survival? anyway, hoping you guys do well down that way, possibly some re-nesting will materialize?
Lookin' good Maynard! I think I see yellow sweet clover, white sweet clover, purple prairie clover, and Illinois bundleflower. Should be set up for the broods to come. Hope the rains have more beneficial than detrimental results.
Really nice growth this year. Some white clover is six foot tall this year. The maximillian sunflower is doing nicely also. Last year round leaf bush clover(correct me if I am wrong) showed up. This year those plants from last year are standing there brown, just like they were last winter. What is the cycle on it?

Here is it last year.
