Fishing anybody?


Well-known member
Anybody going out fishing tomorrow? I'll be out with my two boys and I hope to hear some rooster cackles again this year.
Gotta wait until Tuesday here in Nova Scotia, but we just got nearly two feet of snow and more mess coming in Sunday, so the lakes are all still thick solid ice. I've got a little river run in mind that *might* be fishable, but I might have to be a little patient this year. Or get my ice auger out!
Good luck to you and the boys - post some pics to keep the winterbound among us going.
Not tomorrow, I'm going to an American Chestnut meeting at the Ned Smith Nature Center in Millersburg. I won't be to far from some wild birds so I'll bring my camera. It's a liittle different now with the opening day of trout, they kind of taken away the tradition. Good luck with the boys and I hope you guys hear some Roosters and maybe some Bobwhites!
I took the boys fishing down at the same club where I release the pheasants. They have a pond that was stocked with trout. It was a great start to hear turkey, ducks, geese and pheasants all sounding off around the same time. The rain held off for most of the morning and we all caught some fish. The first two hours were for kids only and it worked out well. It could have been a little warmer but it was a nice morning for everybody. The only thing that would have made it better would be a whistle from a bobwhite.




Hopefully some others will be able to get out for fishing or spring bird finding time.
Boy do those pictures bring back memories! Is the pond spring fed? Your club seems to be a real good one.

I didn't see any wild birds, but a couple of guys at the Chestnut meetting live within that WPRA, they saw my PF hat and we started talking. They see birds all the time and have been hearing them crowing.

Your family is going to have a nice trout dinner!:thumbsup:
Looks like a good opening day! :thumbsup:

Hey fldbrd, I know where some large American Chestnut are, I can pm you if you like.
I'm not sure if the pond has springs or not. There is plenty of water around and there is a creek on the other side of the road from the pond.
We made it out to do some pond fishing and the boys had fun. I wasn't able to make it out to the streams this year. We caught some big bass a couple weeks ago. How about you?
Way to go Conner, nice bass!:thumbsup:

It's funny how things change, I used to put as much or more time in fishing than hunting. Many years ago I was on a quest to catch the NJ state record largemouth bass. At the time I think it was 10. 12 lbs.. I left no stone unturned. The local paper had an article about my quest. One year I caught over 20 bass of 5lbs or more. The largest I ever caught in NJ however was just shy of 7lbs., a very big bass for NJ but far from the record.That same year we went down to Lake Marion S.C. and caught a couple that would have broken the NJ record.

There's just not enough time!
I fished a new area today and caught my first pickerel. Also pulled in quite a few bass. We were fishing a pond from a canoe and it was a good time.



Those sharp toothed boys can be a lot of fun. There are some real monsters roaming in the tidal marshes of south Jersey. Glad you got out! :thumbsup: