We got 2" in Evergreen last night. I did not listen to the weather and left both vehicles out.....It sure was fun though walking the dog this morning in the open space with a little bite in the air, snow on the ground and wearing those old comfortable hunting cloths again.
The snow, the cold, the old warm, comfortable hunting clothes are like a long lost friend that comes around once a year and then leaves again in the spring
Think the cold front that brought you snow this week BleuBijou hitting here Sunday with rain and cold. 80 degree high Saturday down to high of 52 Sunday. Pretty dramatic change for here.
We ended up with about 6-8 inches of snow in the Yuma area. Everyone is in a pretty good mood with the moisture. Should help get all the winter wheat up. Corn harvest is going fast. Regular dig on sugar beets starts Tuesday last I heard. Hard to believe all of the harvests could be done by Halloween to the first week of November. Crazy summer for sure.