First Hunting Trip of the Year - How does your dog react?


New member
I took my 3 year old GWP out dove and grouse hunting Saturday. It was at one of our usual walking spots. Let her out of the truck and she is gamboling around happy as usual, then I pull the shotgun out. She stopped hard, almost fell over, when she saw it and just stared at me for about a minute. Finally I told her to "go find the birds" and she went right to hunting. All business after that.

It was kind of an ambush as I did not fully rig up for hunting (she figures out what I am doing pretty quick), just the shotgun and a few 20ga #7.5's in my jeans pocket.

We didn't get anything. The weather had just changed so the doves had left town and grouse all always a bit of a long shot at this property. But, she was doing all the right things. Towards the end she got a little bored and picked up a stick to play with.

Very gratifying to see. :thumbsup:
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