Federal govt fuel tax increase


New member
Has anyone heard if this rumor is actually true? Are the Feds actually considering raising the federal fuel road tax?
If so I'd like to quote Chevy Chase with is Christmas Wish: Clark: Hey! If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like representative from the federal government, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Rich & I Be Impotent Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?
Has anyone heard if this rumor is actually true? Are the Feds actually considering raising the federal fuel road tax?
If so I'd like to quote Chevy Chase with is Christmas Wish: Clark: Hey! If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like representative from the federal government, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Rich & I Be Impotent Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

YES YES YES Where's the Tylenol. LOL:D