Favorite USA moment

Alright guys and gals its time to make them brains think:) What time in the USA history makes you shine with American pride? Mines Obama care:D I'm just joking don't kill me:D Man this is tough. Mines nothing huge. maybe silly to some. Its when the flag goes by at a parade and just about everyone stands straight takes hats off and put their hands on their hearts. or the anthem at events. Seems like for a moment everyone forgets that Gov't bashing and remembers those that gave so much for us:10sign: Happy 4th of July everyone
Go to Mt Rushmore and the lighting program--I've been many times and just as they light up the MT. the National Anthem starts--just the music but the crowd always stands and sings along--never fails. It just gets ya right in the old heart. :10sign:
!980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. USA beat the Russians. I was not at the hockey game but I was at the olympics and the atmosphere and attitude after that game was remarkable.
Something more recent: Taking out Osama Bin Laden. Credit to President Obama who made the ultimate trigger pull decision and OK'd the violation of Pakistani sovereignty, and the special operations forces and Navy SEALs who sealed Osama's deal. Just awesome. The operation made my hair stand on end and showed what decisive leaders and brave U.S. troops can do when action is required.
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