Anybody interested in doing a fall pre-season UPH hunt, maybe in mid September?
This is it so far:
JFan02 there definitely is room if you would like to go.
TBear: Have you talked to any of your buddies about going?
I'd like to join the hunt. Since I'm new to UPH can I get a little more info. One guy one dog? I picked up a brochure for Sand Pines at the Game Fair last year. Looks like a nice place. I'll talk to my brother in law today. I'm pretty sure he will want to go.
So if you could, count him and I in. I'll give a for sure later today and the amount of birds we would like.
Is Sept. 8 nailed down? His wife (my sister) is not as cooperative as mine.
The 8th is the only weekend that works for me. Im bring both my dogs. Normally its been more of a time for us all to get together and have some fun together. Flushers and pointers hunt 2 different fields. Your Brother in law is more than welcome. What are we doing for birds Jeff? 3 or 4? Do you have a pointer or a flusher. Sorry I cant help it way to many friends that have pointers. Have to give them a little grief.