Back home from our annual fall trip. Two of the days were very windy, which made for some very sporty shooting. We took the time to insure we were walking into the wind, which resulted in close flushes. Friday was a bluebird day, and the pheasants were really out. A calm day, after some rough/windy weather, has always brought the birds out, in our experience. My wife made some fine shots, one of the trip highlights. We saw more birds this year than last, perhaps 25% higher. Last year on this trip, we saw 50/50 hens & roosters. This year it was closer to 75% roosters. Temps were hotter than we prefer, so had to be careful running the dogs. Visited some friends, & met a couple of great guys from Minnesota (who were also having good luck). While we saw plenty of hunters, the number staying at our hotel was down over last year. As has been reported, it was extremely dry. Several sloughs that held water last year, were bone dry. A local told us they had plenty of rain in the spring, and many of those sloughs did hold water - then the rain stopped - and they dried up. They also said only around 10" of snow last winter. Just 4-5 years ago, many ditches were full of water/flooded. Hopefully we are experiencing a weather cycle. Another wonderful trip to SD, really enjoyed hearing the roosters cackling into their roosts, as we enjoyed a cold one at the end of each great day afield.