Fall is almost here

Eighteen days till dove and grouse!
Ahh yes, doves are a fine tune up for the dogs and guns but in 25 long days mountain quail opens and all will be right with the world.:cheers:
25 days :eek: We don't get started on quail until the 5th of October. Man I'm jealous.

Yes, come on early dove season.

Good read by the way. Except It's not cooling down around here anytime soon. 115 today for the high, low 91. I ask myself, every year, at this time Why.. Did you move to Arizona. LOL, then I remember, I don't have to shovle my side walks, and My truck startes, and if I want to play in the snow it's two hours to the North. LOL:D
104 here today so I hear you on the not cooling off yet but damn 115!:eek:
Mornings are sweat shirt weather here. 50's, 70's in the afternoon.
Fall is in the air. Sept 1st is coming fast.:thumbsup: