Fair deal?


Active member
Have opportunity to buy a couple of shotguns from a friend who needs the $$$. He inherited these from Grandfather. First is Smith & Wesson 1000 20 gauge auto and other is Browning Gold 12 Gauge Auto. Both guns are in great shape. No marks or scratches. He wants $775 for both. Deal or no deal?
I keep up with Browning golds on GunBroker. If it's a three and a half gun, 450 to 550. If it's a 3-inch gun 550 to 650.
Don't know anything about Smith & Wesson 1000 20 gauge, pulled them up on GunBroker. There's a couple on there from 450 to 500. And no one's bidding on them. So my guess would be 350 to 400 maybe.
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I shoot a Gold 20ga for sporting clay's and pheasant hunting - very reliable gun. Have shot multiple boxes of shells through it the past several years, with no malfunction. The Gold is a gas gun with a soft recoil. You are probably getting a fair deal with both guns...
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Sounds like a fair price. The S&W is made by mossberg. A decent gun. The browning gold is a a good gun also. Good luck
Thanks for the replies. I bought the guns. I really like the S & W 20 gauge. Very nice scrolling and pretty dark wood. It will be my “club” gun. I’m a Browning guy so I’ll use the Gold Hunter for a variety of hunts.