Extend Kansas Season to end of Feb.

I think the KDWP has done a nice job of setting up the seasons the way they are. I think it's good that duck season (in my area) opens 2 weeks before upland season, which opens 2 weeks before rifle deer season... It's all laid out pretty well so the multispecies hunter doesn't have to miss out on anything.

If there was reliable scientific data to suggest that extending pheasant season into Feb wouldn't hurt the population, then I would support it.

CSAs are an excellent way to get your dog into LOTS of birds. I typically visit them once or twice before the season to get my dog and myself back into form. They are truly a gift to those of us who aren't blessed enough to live in proper pheasant country. If I lived in better pheasant country, I might not bother with CSAs, but they fill in the blanks for me and my dogs in Eastern KS.

Dont know that much about pheasants...but for the quail...extending the season is not in the best interest of the quail population. Nothing good at all about reducing a covey down in that time of the year. So in my humble opinion...I would strongly be against extending the season.