Ever check out ebay?

quail hound

EBay has some really cool stuff if you search pheasants, quail etc. Nice art prints, mounts ( one really cool one of a fox with pheasant in his mouth) beer cans, mirrors all kinds of cool stuff. I could easily spend a grand right now.:eek: Here are just 2 of the things that caught my eye.



I have to warn you not to look on there unless you have some money to spend though.:D
QH, Thats how I got some of my reloading gear, but watch the prices, and wait till the last 10 secs. to bid, better chance to get it. My wife showed me that trick.
Just bought a flying ruffed grouse mount there. Should arrive this week. We'll see; it was inexpensive enough. Most are not and the desire for it was pure self-indulgence.

There's a site, Hammersnipe, which will allow you to have bid put in at the last few seconds...maybe 10 seconds?... on up to 3 items a week. For a fee, you can have last-second bids put in.

I know there are other bidding sites...cuz I've been out-bid at the last milli-second by them in the past. Don't use it often, don't eBay often, but every now and then...I just get an itch for something. :)