
Well it is the day before the season opener there in Kansas and I am sure several people were unable to sleep last night, probably have their duffels packed and setting at the door or somewhere close by, guns oiled and cleaned and ready to go out the door. Dog kennels loaded or ready to be loaded or trailers connected. Meeting sites picked out, shells sorted out and packed, snake bite medicine packed away for the occassional bite :)
To that I say you lucky guys :) be careful have a great time and make some memories with the kids if they go out with you. I know GCB is going to have his boys with him and his daughter going alone to take pictures. Can not ask for much more.
I understand it is wet there so it might be a good time to make sure you know where the nearest farmer and tractor is at and have an extra $50.00 bill in the wallet.
I do hope everyone has a great time and leave some out there for me when I come next month. Dang part time job. :( :)