Electronic Posting Effective 08-01-21


Well-known member
Electronic Posting goes into effect on 08-01-21. Landowners can now post electronically but still have the option to post with no trespassing signs. If land is unposted it's incumbent on the hunter to check if it's e-posted before going on it. The impression I get is that "I didn't see any posters and didn't know it was e-posted" won't fly with NDGF...

You can go on NDGF's website to check the interactive PLOTS maps or download the mobile app. I will guess that services like Onx will update with e-posted land soon, if they haven't already.

Last night I went on the website and checked out the interactive PLOTS map. I have to say I was skeptical but after messing with it I found it's actually easy to use. In addition to the usual PLOTS information it clearly shows the e-posted areas, of which there is quite a bit. Rolling your cursor over a piece of E-posted land opens a box that shows the landowner, who posted it, and contact info. That's pretty slick, going to be a helluva lot easier than trying to read the faded out name & number on a paper no trespassing sign that was put up a year ago...
Are landowners required to list phone numbers?
I could be wrong but I don't believe it's required to e-post. The blocks I checked did though...
No contact information is required and most of the tracts I've looked at do not include it.
Just checked it out. Does work slick, but you are right many of the tracts don't have contact info. I can see those that list contact info being bombarded with phone calls. One can figure out pretty easy what the result will be then.
Of course on the other side of the coin is that there is a lot of unposted tracts. Now I won't have to drive all around looking for a sign and worry that I missed one. Unless the old laws are still in effect and you don't have to electronically post and we are still required to look for signs. Might be a confusing year for both hunters and landowners.
Correct, just because land isn't posted electronically doesn't mean it's open to hunting without permission.
This transition time will certainly be messy. Maybe that is what the lock-out group wants. Conflict and chaos to help reach the ultimate lock out goals. ??
ND would actually become worse than SD, because SD allows hunting in ditches and other in-between areas.

ND ditches are off limits if the land adjacent is posted. Locals road hunt anyways, but ...