Economical shoppers


New member
If anyone knows about being an economical shopper just ask your wife after one of her long days of shopping. We have all heard the Normal, “It was 35% off” or “I got it at the ½ of ½ off sale” sound familiar.

So needless to say, I went out Christmas shopping this year and decided to try to do the some economical shopping. I figure I could accomplish and appease several wants and needs all in one gift, for several people.

The daughter and Grandbaby are soon coming to live with us, my wife is terrified of Tornados and needs a Hidey Hole, me I wonder about preparing for after life.

So with this I decided to buy a Gun Safe! I can keep my fire-arms out of reach of the Grand Children, my wife can get in the safe when Tornado season rolls around and the Safe will make a great burial Coffin for me.:10sign:
Good, except if someone can get in the safe during a tornado, you obviously need more guns . . .