Early scouting

I went out scouting tonight to see who had what planted where for the upcoming season and couldn't believe the amount of pheasant I saw wow if we have a good hatch there will be birds galore and I saw some quail where i havent seen them before very promising :)
Let's keep our fingers crossed!!!! Were you seeing any broods?
That's great news glad to hear a lot of birds survived the winter. Our hatch is on and I counted 13 chicks with a pair of quail. Many other broods of 8-10. I have high hopes for a double hatch of quail this year, the conditions seem ideal. Hopefully the pheasants are doing well also but they're to far away to scout. Late this season when the small coveys converge we may have some coveys of 100 plus birds.
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sorry blue i only saw singles and i was surprised to see that in the places that i was scouting
I went out scouting tonight to see who had what planted where for the upcoming season and couldn't believe the amount of pheasant I saw wow if we have a good hatch there will be birds galore and I saw some quail where i havent seen them before very promising :)
What time would you like me at your doorstep opening morning?
shouold have are limit by 8 right?
should but if everything works out right I will be hunting in hugaton but if i'm not going I will know bye the middle of sept so I will let you know and then you are more than welcome I would come the night before so we can meet each other that way there isnt any confusion on opening weekend morning on what your driveing and we can have a set down and relax before we hunt:cheers:
I wish I could give a report like that Jim, In my area they are still trying to comeback from the bad winter of 2008-09. I hoping for things to be a little better this year......Bob
It was actually a nice surprise to see all the birds we actually saw a fawn in a wheat field another time i had no camera and really would have had nice pics if I had it
should but if everything works out right I will be hunting in hugaton but if i'm not going I will know bye the middle of sept so I will let you know and then you are more than welcome I would come the night before so we can meet each other that way there isnt any confusion on opening weekend morning on what your driveing and we can have a set down and relax before we hunt:cheers:

gove surely you didnt take me serious just on the part of limit by 8 lol
I was out by Pratt last weekend and saw probably 20 to 25 roosters over the weekend, hanging out in the soybean fields, around the wheat, etc. My uncle said they have seen a lot more quail this year than in years past. While running my dogs in some crp next to a wheat field you could hear the roosters cackling in the wheat, only saw 2 hens out and about, so hopefully they are all nesting in the wheat fields. Looks like it might be a good year.

Yes sir, of course we are talking about valley quail not bob whites. It seems the planets are aligning for a wonderful year. Lots of hold over birds plus perfect conditions for a double hatch equals lots of quail. Late in the season when it gets cold (relatively) two or three coveys will converge in the prime cover to form a "super covey." It gets very disorienting when a covey like that flushed, and it is hard to pick a single to shoot.
That's nothing, in the day of the market gunner it was common place to see coveys upward of 1500 quail.
From way I have read they used to shoot six gauge black powder guns loaded with whatever they could get their hands on. They could drop 75-100 birds with one shot. These were mostly cull shots though, not very sporting, just a job.
I still think I would just be overwhelmed these days at that many birds i guess they were like the buffalo hunters
Yeah that would be sensory over load for sure. Any coveys over about 25 I will just wait for the few stragglers to come out for an easier shot.
covey of 25 I cant even picture that these days maybe soon the only time i see good quail numbers is when i head south down towards Oklahoma Kansas line
Well maybe some day we could make arrangements to swap some hunting. I've never quite bagged a limit of roosters, sure would love to though. Maybe I'll be able to get it done this year if the birds cooperate, bit you know how that goes.